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EAGE E-Lecture: Recent Advances in Ray Based Tomography by Gilles Lambaré
EAGE E-Lecture: Resolving Near-Surface Velocity Anomalies in Marine Data by Ian F. Jones
EAGE Student E-Lecture: “Chasing Channel Sands”, by Peter Lloyd
Teaser: EAGE E-Lecture: Reverse Time Migration: how does it work, when to use it, by Etienne Robein
EAGE E-Lecture: Impact of Acquisition Geometry on AVO/AVOA Attributes Quality by Amine Ourabah
EAGE E-Lecture: Making the transition from discrete shot records... by Tilman Klüver
EAGE E-Lecture: Maximising the Benefits of Full Waveform Inversion by Fabio Mancini
EAGE E-Lecture: Automatic Gas Pockets Detection by Fatiha Gamar
EAGE E-lecture: New methods for multi-modal data analysis, by Paolo Dell' Aversana
EAGE E-Lecture: Seismic spatial gradient measurements by Nihed el Allouche
EAGE E-Lecture: In-Situ Local Angle Domain Data For Directivity Driven Imaging by Zvi Koren
EAGE E-Lecture: Geological Well Testing in Fractured Reservoirs by Patrick Corbett